Museum of Flight Veterans Day Celebration
Join us at the Museum for our annual Veterans Day Ceremony, as we honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, past and present. This ceremony will feature veteran and artist Jeffrey Stenbom as the Keynote Speaker, as well as a display of art created by veterans. Jeffrey Stenbom is a post-disciplinary artist living in […]
Planning & Community Development Committee
The Planning & Community Development Committee provides policy recommendations on legislative matters relating to housing policies and programs, planning and land use, annexations, building and development regulations, code enforcement, economic development, tourism, workforce development, environment and sustainability, and other ad hoc matters as assigned. Members: Dennis Martinez, Chair, Tosh Sharp, Armen Papyan Planning & Community […]
Community Services & Safety Committee
The Community Services & Safety Committee provides policy recommendations on legislative matters relating to police, fire, emergency services, municipal court, public safety facilities, animals, community engagement, human services, parks, recreation, youth and senior services, golf course, community center, library, public art, social equity and justice, and other ad hoc matters as assigned. Members: Jovita McConnell, […]
City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
The meeting will be conducted BOTH on-site at Tukwila City Hall and also virtually. Committee of the Whole (COW) meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The COW meets to coordinate the work of the committees and to discuss items before they are referred […]