City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Committee of the Whole (COW) meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The COW meets to coordinate the work of the committees and to discuss items before they are referred to a Regular Meeting. No official action is taken other than referring matters to committees […]
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Major duties: Provide recommendations to Mayor and Council regarding the levying and application of Hotel/Motel tax collections. Appointed by Council, Res. 1381 See agenda packets and minutes:
Public Safety Plan Siting Advisory Committee
The Public Safety Plan Siting Advisory Committee is made up of four community members, two City Councilmembers, and the Public Works Director. The Siting Advisory Committee: Provides and participate in public outreach strategies; Ensures community feedback is incorporated when feasible; and Provides feedback on potential sites, siting process, and outcomes. Committee members were appointed on […]
Public Safety Bond Financial Oversight Committee
For information about the Public Safety Bond Financial Oversight Committee, please visit: