Attending a Hearing
Tukwila Municipal Court hearings are held in person and virtually. Please check your summons to verify how you are required to appear in court. Contact the court with any questions.
To attend your hearing virtually:
- Download the Zoom app at:
- Open the app
- Select “join meeting”
- Enter the below meeting ID and password
- To participate in your hearing, please be sure to select “join audio” when signing into Zoom (may look similar to below)
- Please also see below for virtual courtroom protocols
Meeting ID: 882 7611 5132
Password: 176190
For further information on how to join a Zoom meeting and/or address audio issues, please see the video below.
Virtual Hearing Protocol
Please be aware that virtual court appearance standards are no different than in-person conduct expectations:
- You must have working sound and video. You cannot appear with a simple phone call.
- Do not join the video hearing while multi-tasking, in bed, driving, walking, eating, or in a moving vehicle.
- Make sure that you are in a quiet place; cell phones should be muted, doors to rooms closed and disruptions minimized.
- Be respectful. Ensure you are properly dressed for court, sitting upright if you are able, and your surroundings are appropriate.
- You will be admitted from the waiting room when the court is ready for you.
- Make sure you join by video and audio and your first and last names are identified on the screen.
- Do not unmute your device and interrupt the proceedings – we will know when you are admitted, the court will check you in when there is a break in the proceedings.
- Be patient as there will be other people assigned to the same court docket time.
Due to numerous unauthorized downloads and recordings, our YouTube stream is suspended until further order of the court.
To schedule a hearing for an infraction, please click below and create an account:
To view today’s calendar, please click below:
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