
Alcohol / GPS / Electric Home Monitoring Devices

Alcohol Monitoring Devices fall into two categories: SCRAM (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) or TAD (Transdermal Alcohol Detector) devices. Both SCRAM/TAD devices measure alcohol levels 24-hours a day through an ankle bracelet that is monitored by a private agency. The bracelet must not be removed or tampered with for the duration of the court order.  Upon detecting alcohol consumption or device tampering, the monitoring agency immediately notifies CSS. Typically, a hearing will then be scheduled to address the alleged violation(s).

Electric Home Monitoring (EHM) devices transmit signals through an ankle bracelet that determines the location of the individual. When a client is ordered to complete EHM, they are restricted to their residence except for work, school, legal appointments, and/or court-authorized programs such as treatment. Clients on EHM are not allowed to attend any social activities outside of their residence without authorization from the Judge.

Global Positioning System (GPS) Monitoring tracks the real-time location of the client 24 hours a day. When clients are placed on GPS Monitoring, the monitoring agency may be given a list of addresses/locations that are restricted to the client due to safety concerns. For example, if the client is told to not go within 1000 feet of a certain location, the agency will set up an exclusion zone 1000 feet around that location. If the client gets too close to the restricted location, the agency is notified immediately of the exclusion zone violation.

A case manager will provide the required forms and referral information to the client and to the monitoring agency and will guide clients through the process. Please note that some monitoring is self-paid by the client and some clients may qualify for the costs to be paid by the City.