
Contact Information:

City of Tukwila Emergency Management
15005 Tukwila International Blvd
Tukwila, WA 98188

Phone: 206 971-8750

Email Emergency Management


While they don’t occur often, earthquakes are some of the Pacific Northwest’s most dangerous hazards. Taking steps to prepare now can make a difference to your safety during the next “Big One.”

Know Your Risk

While the Seattle Fault and the Cascadia Fault are the two most well-known faults, there are several fault lines that stretch across the Puget Sound. An earthquake on any of these fault lines will be felt in Tukwila.

Remember the Nisqually Earthquake?

At 10:54 AM on February 28, 2001 a 6.8 earthquake occurred near Olympia, lasting 1 minute. The earthquake caused $2 billion in damage to Tacoma and Seattle, nearly 70 miles from the earthquake’s point of origin!


Check Your Insurance

Earthquake damage is not usually covered by your regular Homeowners or Renters insurance policies. However, many insurance companies offer Earthquake Coverage Plans that can cover the cost of damages, loss-of-use, or the costs of a hotel while your home is unable to be occupied. Check with your insurance company about adding an earthquake plan to your coverage.
For more information on earthquake insurance, check out this easy-to-use-guide.


Know How to Drop, Cover, & Hold

When shaking begins, remember these three steps to help avoid serious injury:

  • Drop/Lock: Drop to your hands and knees. If you use a walker with a seat or a wheelchair, lock the wheels and remain seated until the shaking stops.
  • Cover: Cover your head and neck with your arms. If possible, crawl under a sturdy piece of furniture. Otherwise, try to crawl next to an interior wall, away from windows. Avoid dangers such as falling objects or debris. Stay on your knees or bent over to protect your vital organs.
  • Hold On: If you are under a piece of furniture, hold on to it with one hand and be ready to move with it. If you are seated and unable to drop to the floor, bend forward, cover your head with both arms, and hold on to your neck with both hands to protect your head and neck.


Protect Yourself During Earthquakes


Anchor Heavy Furniture and Objects

  • Top-heavy furniture (bookshelves, cabinets, refrigerators, dressers, etc.) and wall-mounted objects can fall during an earthquake. Large objects falling are the leading cause of injury during an earthquake. Anchor these items to the studs in the wall.
  • Use museum putty to hold heavy items that may fall from shelves during and earthquake. Make sure to also secure wall-mounted art.
  • Consider installing hardware to keep cabinet doors closed during an earthquake.