City deploys radar feedback signs as part of the Speed Reduction In Neighborhoods of Tukwila program (SPRINT)

As part of the Speed Reduction In Neighborhoods of Tukwila program (SPRINT), the City of Tukwila will be installing radar feedback signs and performing traffic studies in neighborhoods throughout the city. Last month these devices were deployed on South 160th at 46th Ave. South and preliminary information is being collected currently.

During the month of September, we will study the effects of these signs on South 144th at 46th Ave. South near Showalter Middle School. Currently, the signs will only document vehicles’ speeds without the active feedback display. After a period of data collection, the displays will be activated and begin providing real-time driver feedback on vehicle speeds in the school zone. The information gathered in these studies will then be used to identify the effectiveness of the signs as traffic calming devices, as well as the probable times and areas that may benefit from further enforcement or safety measures.

For any questions regarding these radar signs or the SPRINT program, please feel free to contact: Scott Bates at 206-431-2193 or