Interested in running for local office?
Confidence in the future of your city comes easier when you know that good people are exploring ways they can take part in the workings of their local government. For those interested in serving the community by running for office, several opportunities are available this year in Tukwila. The City of Tukwila positions to be determined in the November 5 election are:
Mayor of Tukwila
City Council: Position #2
Position #4
Position #6
All positions are elected for a four-year term, 2020 to 2023.
Dates for filing with King County Elections are May 13 through May 17 (in person or online) and April 29 through May 17 (by mail).
There are many regulations and requirements associated with becoming a candidate for office. Detailed information regarding filing deadlines and fees, personal financial and public disclosure information, campaigning and more can be found online at If you have any questions, call them at 206-296-1565, or email For information about the duties of Tukwila’s Mayor and Councilmember positions, click here.